Yesterday evening Roland and Stephanie, our churchwardens, met to discuss the easing of restrictions following on from the Church of England releasing their guidance. As slightly expected the onerous is on each church to proceed as they wish but with guidance from the Government and Church of England to proceed with caution.
Given that at present cases are clearly rising quickly and London is behind other places in terms of vaccinations, we feel it is important to protect ourselves, each other and to help the vulnerable feel safe in our church by not making any major changes at present with regard to our worship on a Sunday morning.
Therefore our guidance is as follows:
Time of Service - We will continue with one service at 10am until further notice.
Social Distancing - We will continue to keep the chairs socially distanced as they are but if you come to church and would like to now sit with a friend we are happy for you to move your chair and do so. Please ask the person you would like to sit with before doing so and be respectful that they may wish to still sit alone.
Masks - Whilst these are no longer mandatory in church, masks do protect us and other people. The Government advice and the churchwardens preference is that masks are still worn inside St Andrew's Church. Obviously we cannot force this but please do be respectful that there may be people who do not wish to wear a mask anymore.
Singing - Whilst guidance does now allow us to sing inside it is recommended that we wear masks whilst doing so. The churchwardens still consider this high risk at present so singing will remain outside with a hymn at the end of the service during August.
Communion - This will continue in one kind with communion being brought to you in your seat. This will limit movement inside the church and not put anyone at risk by sharing the common cup.
Refreshments - These are now permitted, but as we normally take a break from refreshments over the summer we will hope to begin this in September.
Track and Trace - We are no longer required to take your details as you enter church on a Sunday morning so we will be stopping this from this coming Sunday. If you have the Track and Trace App and would like to check in then please do so using one of the QR codes dotted round the building.
The churchwardens ask that you do not attend church if you are feeling unwell for the protection of yourselves and those in church on a Sunday morning.
The above restrictions will be reviewed again at the end of August.
We are aware that there may be those who will be disappointed with the decisions above and those who will be relieved. Please do be respectful of each other and personal choices of how to approach the easing of restrictions.